
How I Learned From College Writing Essay

Good Essays

This year I have learned a lot from College Writing, this class has taught me a lot about my own writing and what makes a good essay. I have learned a lot about myself as a writer and as a person throughout the course. In this reflection of the past semester I will be going through my past papers and talk about what I liked and how I could’ve made them better. I will also be going through the activities that have shaped my writing the most. Hopefully, I will be representing how I have grown as a writer throughout the year because of this class. Before taking this class I was already relatively confident in my writing abilities and was excited to take the class. Now that the course is completed I am even more confident in my writing because of all the new techniques and helpful tips I learned. One of the first things we learned this year was how to write a successful summary of an article. This is something I thought I had been doing correctly all throughout high school, but I was wrong. As Professor Dodd was teaching us what we should have in the summaries I realized my writing had a long way to come to be at the standards of this college writing class. In high school, I would use quotations to fill up my word count, it became clear to me early on in the course that this wouldn’t get me a good grade in the class. In my Summary piece I wrote, “Texting has become a very secretive form of communication, Truss compares it to passing a note, you have to be careful what you use

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