
How Convergence And Localization Work

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Introduction: Games industry as a sector of new digital media is now playing a vital role in creating commercial value(Dovey and Kennedy, 2006). According to data given by guardian: the number of sales of of video games(both software and hardware) reaches top for the first time, four billion pounds in 2008, which is bigger than film and music sales(include CD,DVD and cinema box office takings ). Furthermore, the value of sales in global games industry in 2015 is 72.4 billion dollars and specialists predict that it will value at one hundred and thirteen dollars by 2018. Video games gradually achieve great commercial value and play a vital role in the entertanment industry. To emphasize, there are two indispensable factors making game …show more content…

In early age of development of game industry, localization is mainly reflected in simple translation of text in games. Obvious examples can be found in japan game industry: As a core of exporting video games in the early 1980s, Japan aimed to meet european and american players’ need about language, we can find a lot of Japanese game translated into English: zero ring published by SEGA, Yu-Gi-Oh published by KONAMI… As time went by and new need of market and consumers occurred: Born of multiple themes of games in one game broke traditional structure of game industry. These new games usher new creativity into the game industry and expand markets all over the world. For example, Konami published a action game ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ (TMNT). This story allow you to choose a ‘Ninja Turles’ to beat the criminal and heal the world. Especially, is a ninja turtle from New York. This new mix of western heroism and Oriental elements such as Ninja, japanese music attracts a lot of players in new market such as Asia and achieved great commercial success in the whole world. In terms of significance of localization, The first argument i hold about it is that due to trend of globalization, localization is for granted seen as a irreplaceable strategy. According to Kerr and Flynn, globalization is a continuous process that make the society closely connected. This can be shown in a great number of flows of ‘products, people, finance…’

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