
Head Start Observation

Decent Essays

As I finish up my last two hours at the Early Childhood Center that resides on the university’s campus, it has been an adventure for me. I have acquired many new skills for the classroom, Shadowing for Ms. Bailey class, room 307 was not an easy process but I got through it. Head Start is located on Winston Salem’s University’s campus in its own secluded area, where students who attend Winston Salem won’t bother. Essentially outside of the university the Early Childhood center is placed in a rough part of town. Around you can find low income based housing, run down gas stations and ABC stores around. That doesn’t stop Head Start from producing the best students they can, their mission statement is to “help low-income families in our community put their children on a path to success in school…and throughout their lives”. …show more content…

Ebrahem office. There, she should assign a class to me and asked me to sign a log in sheet that she kept. She did this because each volunteer that they receive, the government gives them funding. Ms. Ebrahem is the Principal at the Early Childhood Center. During my first six hours at Head Start, the activities changed each day. Ms. Bailey had a lesson plan set for each afternoon. As for my last 4 hours after their spring break, we worked on seasons and how spring is approaching. Each lesson would pertain to spring and she based the stations around the classroom off that. Ms. Bailey taught me so much during my Experience, she has helped me project my voice better and she always gave me tips on how I could become a better teacher for my future

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