
Glo Bus Final Report

Decent Essays

D’s Dang Cameras
Jordan Beadle
Esperanza Benitez
David Dang
Sean Kelly
Thom Thurn

Strategy Formulation and Initial Implementation
Our company wanted to appeal to as many consumers as possible and gain market share through value and competitive cost. We realized that not every person would need an extremely high end camera to capture life’s simple moments, but consumers would still appreciate a high value product without the intimidating features of some high­end cameras. We chose to implement a Best­Cost strategy, which allows our company to deliver a quality camera at a fair price and offer more in terms of value than the lower PQ rated cameras. We believed this strategy would allow us to gain market share …show more content…

Although our competitors began to improve their product quality, we kept ours constant. We wanted to compete with a best­cost strategy by providing an average value at a reasonable price. Our entry­level cameras did very well this year, but our end results showed that we needed to pay attention to our multi­feature cameras for next year.
Year 10
For year 10 we decided that it was time to slightly improve the quality of our multi­feature camera in order to remain competitive. We improved some of the core components in our multi­feature camera so that it would be at a 3½ star quality. In order to compensate for the higher costs that came with making a higher quality camera we increased its price. We based our price increases off what our competitors were charging for a similar quality camera, while at the same time trying to stick with our best­cost strategy. This year we also decided to cut back significantly on R&D costs. We chose to spend nothing for our entry­level cameras and only about $1000 for our multi­featured. We thought that cutting costs would help increase profits for our next year.
Year 11

Year 11 was a good year financially, so we decided to not make any major changes in terms of changing the price or quality of our products. We kept the prices the same as year 10 for the most part, with only changing the price of our multi­feature in Asia­Pacific. We increased the

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