
Future Challenges Facing Healthcare in the United States

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Future Challenges Facing Health Care in the United States
Issues affecting Health care in the United States
The United States Health Care issue has been a challenge that many have given their opinions from different positions within the society in their attempt to come up with the most appropriate measures to tackle the Health Care Challenges facing the Nation. An efficient, affordable and accessible health care program is the most important issue which should be prioritized for a healthy nation. The American Health care sector like other sectors has been faced with various challenges. The ever souring economic situation have an impact on medical whereby the government spending on health care has tremendously increased over the last decade. The rising cost of the drugs and the more improved and advanced medical technology have caused a strain on the government consuming the larger part of the budget hence neglecting its other equally important obligations.
Many American citizens before the crisis had access to affordable health care through the various insurance medical plans offered by their respective employers. Most of these plans have changed with the medical expenses becoming unbearable in terms of costs. Many employers are not able to provide the cover anymore citing the increased costs thereby exposing a larger majority to be without medical cover, an aspect which has caused an increasing number of the uninsured American figures. The demographics of these uncovered

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