
Frederick Douglass Importance Of Education

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Education is a key. Not many can find it, but those who do can unlock the door to endless knowledge. Abolitionist leader and American slave, Frederick Douglass, in his autobiography A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, contemplates the enslavement he endured while emphasizing the importance of education as a key to freedom. Throughout Douglass’s educational awakening and his realization of its overall power, he comes to understand the slaveholder’s evil doings in keeping all slaves trapped in ignorance. Thesis too wordy condense it & briefly incorporate rhetorical strategies he uses (repetition, understatement, imagery, diction, etc). The inception of Douglass’s path to learning was taught by an unlikely source, being his master’s wife, and her quick change of heartwhich further spurs him to continue on with his education. Douglass learns the ABCs from his mistress which certainly shocks him as he hasdue to never seening such a kind act being done towards a slave (32). He represents his sweet mistress as “at first [lacking] the depravity indispensable to shutting [him] up in mental darkness” (35). He explains that she was like no other slaveholder, and understands that if a white woman considers education necessary and believes that everyone should obtain a little bit of knowledge, then education was a vile source to him if he was determined to obtain freedom Analysis needs to include WHY Douglass incorporated the passage in order to prove education is power.

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