
Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis Essay

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The Metamorphosis Research paper Franz Kafka, in his novel The Metamorphosis, explores two conflicting ideas through his protagonist Gregor: unity and isolation. Gregor’s transformation created a whole life of distress for him, but on the other hand also formed a deeper and better relationship for the rest of the family. Gregor’s transformation to a Vermin created a new life of separation and isolation for him. Before Gregor’s transformation he already felt isolated and stressed out because he was the only one working and he didn’t have that good of a relationship within his family. Kafka states “Constantly seeing new faces, no relationships that last or get more intimate.” Gregor is a traveling salesman who sees new people …show more content…

Locking up his room in his own house suggests that he feels his home to be just as unhomely as a hotel. Norman Hollan states “Gregor’s repulsive appearance means he has to remain in his room, a prisoner, completely isolated.” This is true because he is not willing to leave his room because of what he is and so is basically a prisoner within his own home. Goldfarb also states “Gregor’s transformation is not an escape from his past loneliness but an intensification of it.” Gregor’s whole life has been basically devoted to paying off family debt, worrying about wasting an hour of his employer’s time and spending very little time developing his life. Gregor is not only isolated from his family but also neglected as well. First, As stated before Gregor was never really loved in his family his father was had a negative influence on him. “With a hostile expression his father clenched his fist, as if to drive Gregor back into his room” Mr. Samsa almost barely comes out a compassionate character here. His reaction to Gregor's condition is aggression, rather than patience or sympathy. Second, His father even attacks him multiple times. The second time he was attacked by his father it was a serious enough wound to be life threatening. Gregor is unable to prevent this injury and obtain any sort of remedy; the family doesn’t seem to care at all, and he is at their mercy. Next,

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