

Good Essays

It was a story of a boy who was only 17 when he decides to marry his love one.
He was dodong, and he love teang so much that he could not wait for the right age to settle down in a relationship that is hard to escape. It 's the "marriage". At the age of 17 dodong and teang got married without thinking of the risk being in an uneasy part of life. They just follow what they feel. They don 't think what would happen in their future. They got a child. Teang realized how hard being a young parent. Her regret of she had done and think, what would be my life if i marry my other suitors instead of dodong? Can I have the same life as of now? She regrets so much of!!
Until one day, when their son grow. He follows the footsteps of his parents. He …show more content…

He was very young... He felt queer, troubled, uncomfortable....
In addition to that, for six successive years, Dodong and Teang kept having children. At this point, Teang began to feel unhappy in their marriage. She cried sometimes, wishing she had not married. She did not tell Dodong this, not wishing him to dislike her. Yet she wished she had not married. Not even Dodong whom she loved. It is interesting to note here that Teang still claims to love Dodong despite the hardships they have gone through. It should also be noted that Yet she wished she had not married, is a sentence that is separated from Not even Dodong whom she loved, meaning it is the act of marrying at a young age that she regrets, not the fact that it is Dodong whom she married. Not marrying Dodong was only an after-thought.
The story goes on, however, to describe another suitor Teang had, Lucio, who was older than Dodong by nine years. Lucio had married another after her marriage to Dodong, but he and his wife were childless until now. If she had married Lucion, she wondered, would she have borne him children? Maybe not, either. That was a better lot. But she loved Dodong.... Here we are given a clearer picture about her unhappiness and disappointment.
It is particularly regarding child-bearing at a young age that Teang is unhappy with. ...would she have borne him children? Maybe not, either. That was a better lot. The regret she feels about the marriage, then,

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