
Food Tracker

Satisfactory Essays

According to the USDA, (2011), is an online resource that provides practical information to individuals, health professionals, nutrition educators, and the food industry to help consumers build healthier diets with resources and tools for dietary assessment, nutrition education, and other user­friendly nutrition information. Food tracker is part of the supertracker which can help you plan, analyze, and track your diet. As described, food track does help people to eat healthy and educate them on reaching their daily calories needs, base on what they consume, age,size, and height. More so, it helps you plan a good day to day meal with a balance diet based on what nutrients you need …show more content…

It does not only show you how much calories you have consume but it also has bar chart on the food tracker under supertracker which tells you the exact nutrients you are missing and your activity level, as earlier said base on your age, height, and size. lastly I recover on how to reach my goals on food and activity. I think that choose my is a very good online resource which people should exploit because it will educate many on how to plan their meals and not only being a tool for dietary assessment but also a good way for one to meet his goals in exercise.

Upon my visit and exploiting choose my, i came to realise that, I have had an unproportional exercise over food consumption. The supertracker which comprises of the activitytracker and foodtracker showed me how i have been exercising more than i eat or consume my daily needed calories. Also the foodtracker have made me to discover and recover my daily calories and how to reach them. Also the online resource have made me

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