
Federal Bureau Of Investigation Essay

Decent Essays

I chose the Federal Bureau of Investigation for my career choice. According to the Mission and Priorities page on the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s website, the purpose of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or FBI is to, “Protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States (“Mission & Priorities”, n.d.). The FBI ensures this specific purpose by completing the following: “protect civil rights, combat transnational/national criminal organizations and enterprises, combat major white-collar crime, and combat significant violent crime” (“Mission & Priorities”, n.d.). As of right now, “the FBI has around 35,000 employs which includes special agents and support professionals” (“Mission & Priorities”, n.d.).
The FBI houses numerous units. The first unit being the Latent Print Unit (LPU). The LPU “examines and compares friction ridge detail of latent prints using the Automated Fingerprint …show more content…

Through the Operational Projects Unit (OPU), “technical support is provided through crime scene survey, crime scene documentation, demonstrative court presentation, three-dimensional physical models, and crime scene photography” (“Crime Scene Documentation”, n.d.). The role of the Evidence Response Team Unit (ERTU) is to, “provide traditional and hazardous evidence collection capabilities to the FBI field Evidence Response Teams (ERTs), Hazardous Evidence Response Teams (HERTs), Hazardous Evidence Response Components (HERCs), Underwater Search and Evidence Response Teams (USERTs), and law enforcement partners” (“Evidence Response Team”, n.d.). The purpose of the Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center (TEDAC) is to “receive, fully analyze, and exploit all terrorist improvised explosive devices, of interest of the United States” (“Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center (TEDAC)”, n.d.). Through the Counterterrorism and Forensic Science Research Unit

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