
Facebook 's Cassandra ( Column Oriented ) Essay

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Facebook’s Cassandra (Column-oriented)
There is also a much talked about database called Cassandra which also needs to be discussed. It was originally developed by Facebook as open-sourced in 2008 [6]. Facebook was among the first to try the system for its inbox search system, which controls and stores in its disk space, and with the high performance of the system within its service level agreement requirements more applications like Netflix, Twitter etc. embraced Cassandra as their storage engine as well as backend for their streaming services [9]. What is Cassandra? Based on many definitions, Cassandra is a type of open source distributed database that is highly scalable, high performance designed to handle big amounts of data between many commodity servers that guarantees high availability without failure. Its main duty is high performance, also with its robust clusters among several data centers, as well as providing low latency operation for its various clients which is why businesses love it. It was written in Java language. Cassandra in accordance with research conducted on NoSQL systems concluded that its scalability, ability supersedes rest of the database management system with its largest number of nodes. Designed as a distributing system, which supports replication and multi replication as well as the ability to replace failed nodes without downtime [2]. Cassandra supports other open source like Hadoop, Apache Pig etc. It is similar with relational database since

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