
Existence In Logan's Run '

Decent Essays

“Life clocks are a lie! Carousel is a lie! There is no renewal!” Logan said. “Logan’s run” was an interesting movie because it shed light on issues that society have today. In the year 2274, people only lived to age thirty and once their life clocks went out they were “renewed” into another life form. The issues that “Logan’s run” shed light on in society today is the question of existence. Existence has been a question for many people in the past century. How were we created? Where do we go when we die? These questions have been lingering in people’s minds forever. In “Logan’s run”, Logan 3 is a 26- year old that is sent on a mission to find and destroy the “sanctuary”. He travels with Jessica and what they find is not a sanctuary but, a world that they have never seen and an old man that …show more content…

man and man vs. nature. Logan vs. Francis is considered man vs. man because he was trying to find “sanctuary” and Francis was trying to kill him to not reveal the truth. Man vs. nature was Logan vs. mankind, trying to find the sanctuary and finally figuring out there is none and showing the other people the old man. “Logan’s run”informs me that 1970 America was not keen on what America was developing into. Back in the 1970’s they had not discovered diseases or cures or technology was not as advanced as it is today. The chicanery portrayed in “Logan’s run” also lets me know that the people in the 1970’s were confused about the world. The overall message in “Logan’s run” is that the more humanity relies on a computer the more dependent we become of it. “Logan’s run” portrays a world where computers are the controllers and the people live in a world where everything is what they ever desired. “Logan’s run” is a warning that computers might one day take over the world and all of the civilization will have to accept it and adapt to it. Through Logan’s eyes, it reveals a world in which humans would not want to live

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