
Examples Of Excusable Homicide

Decent Essays

Homicide is the kill of one human being by another human being. Many people tend to use the term homicide alongside murder due to the fact that it involves killing a person by another person. The fact is that, murder is just a form of criminal homicide. There are also other forms of homicide which does not involve criminal act. One of those types of homicide is the “Excusable Homicide”. One example of it is when a person acts in self-defense. An act of self-defense can be justified as excusable homicide due to the fact that you only acted that way because you were threatened with death or serious injury.
A homicide may be excusable depending on the circumstances. It is described as justifiable when someone who committed the homicide is commanded or authorized by law. A very good example of excusable homicide is when soldiers are ordered to kill enemy soldiers during the time of war. They can all be excused for killing another human being due to the fact that they were ordered by the law. The only time soldiers can be judged of homicide is when they do actions that are not within the scope of orders. Another example of excusable homicide is when a public official is ordered to kill someone that is in the death row as the execution was ordered by the state or federal law. …show more content…

97-3-17 which states that the killing of any human being by the act, procurement, or omission of another shall be excusable when:
 When committed by accident and misfortune in doing any lawful act by lawful means, with usual and ordinary caution, and without any unlawful

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