
Examples Of Dynamic Characters In Jane Eyre

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Rounded, changing, and progression. Pride and prejudice written in 1813, by Jane Austen, and Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte in rural Victorian England are both classics and contain dynamic characters at center stage. Thus main characters should be dynamic, for three reasons. One the reader understands the growth of the character. Second the story is more exiting with dynamic characters. Finally it makes conflicts and it also creates several foils.
A main character should be dynamic because the reader understands and comprehends the growth of the character. A dynamic character is a character that goes through an important, inner change of attitude, personality, or beliefs. For instance in pride and Prejudice the reader follows Elizabeth around and they see how the choices she and others make affect her and why she responds a certain way. The same applies to Jane Eyre because of how horrendously she was treated by Mrs. Reed and her son and by the school the reader understands why Jane has a certain set a values in mind and why her personality changes for better or worse. However, …show more content…

For instance the story usually has a surprising and fascinating climax, for example in Jane Eyre when St. John Rivers proposes to Jane, that alone was unexpected however the story becomes more suspenseful when Jane hears Rochester’s voice in her head. At that point the reader is on the edge of their seat wondering how Jane will react and what path she will choose! Further more the story is more dramatic in the way that there is an enormous amount of emotion, and the reader feels bad for the character because they have been through so much. For example Mrs. Reed has abused Jane, Jane had her best friend die, been hurt by Rochester, and St. John Rivers. The reader of course, is going to feels sympathy for Jane, so when Jane shows anger or sadness it does not feel forced, because she has gone through so much and barely

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