
Eliminating Obesity and Autoimmune Disease Essay example

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Everyday it is possible to open up an issue of “Men’s Fitness” or “Muscle and Fitness” or “Modern Woman” or “TIME” or any magazine for that matter, and find the “new and/or improved” way to lose weight, improve the quality of life, or extend your years working towards the other two goals. Almost all of the methods prescribed can work; some are exercise and some are diet. For the most part though, achieving diet or exercise goals requires one to have great discipline. It has been proven, by each of these diet deveopers, that the diets they prescribe will work if the individual will just manage his caloric intake.

Weight loss is the trend of the time. But are the approaches we read about so often, natural means to reach the ends? …show more content…

The fastest way to find the foods which create the problems stated previously, is to first find a time when man did not have these problems, and second, figure out what they were eating and compare it to what we eat now.

There were no such things as obesity and autoimmune disease for the Paleolithic man. So what was it that they did different from what we do now? The most obvious answer is that they ate much different foods than we do. They ate nothing but meats (any kind of meat they could catch or kill with a sharp stick or rock), fruits, vegetables, nuts, and berries. Modern man eats those things as we well as grains, legumes, and dairy. Hunter-gatherers did not, and could not, eat from these three extra categories because each of these foods must either be processed in some way to be edible to humans, or was initially intended to be consumed by an animal with a multi-chambered stomach (which man does not have; we have only one chamber). Some of these foods, like potatoes, are actually poisonous when not cooked. Even then, they still have traces of harmful toxins.

It was not until the invention of agriculture that man was able to harness technology and process these foods for human consumption. But they still had the toxins in them. Roving bands of hunter-gatherers began to settle and began growing agriculturally about 10,000 years ago. Immediately it was

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