
Effects Of Love In The Crucible

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Just like alcohol and other drugs, love has a similar effect of making people act wild and senseless. Hollywood love movies and shows only portray the side of love that people want to see. The kind of love than everyone wishes to experience and believes to be true. In reality, there is more to love than what is shown on the television. There’s jealousy, vengeance, regrets which causes people to take actions that that they might not normally take. Love plays a dominant role behind people’s actions. This is proven in the play called, “The Crucible,” which takes place during the 1600s in the town of Salem. The book, based on the infamous Salem witch trials, illustrates the absurd and chaotic nature of the events which all started with a single love affair. The affair between Abigail and Proctor, paired with Abigail’s desperate desire to take Elizabeth’s place, sparked countless different conflicts. …show more content…

The pair once had an affair. Ever since then, Abigail has become overly attached to Proctor. She calls Elizabeth, “a cold, sniveling woman,” who’s, “blackening [her] name in the village.” Proctor, regretful of his affair with her, wants to put the whole episode in the past. But despite Proctor’s evident signs of disinterest, Abigail denies it, crying out, “You loved me then and you do now!” Her persistence and her obsessive love for Proctor leads her to take appalling actions such as accusing Elizabeth of witchery and getting others involved in the process. Wanting to take the place of Elizabeth, Abigail does everything she can to get her out of the picture. The dancing in the woods and the drinking of the charm was all driven by Abigail’s desire to get rid Elizabeth and take her place as Proctor’s wife. She goes a far as to stab a needle in herself, just to have a solid reason to accuse Elizabeth of witchery. Abigail, by far, is the most affected by love which plays a dominant role behind her

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