
Early Childhood Misconceptions

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Within the teaching of the sciences to students in both KS3 and KS4 there are numerous common misconceptions that arise in a student’s understanding of chemical ideas. (Kind, 2004) Some of the common misconceptions that student hold in regards to the other sciences range in complexity from speed of objects in freefall relating to weight to the structure of atoms and electron shells(C3P, 2013) while in biology the misconceptions held can range from misunderstanding biological facts to common place misbeliefs, held by the public at large such as Vaccinating children makes them sick. (Bioliteracy, 2008)
Within this paper I will be focusing on misconceptions relating to the teaching of particle position during physical changes of state, …show more content…

Until this point any new knowledge is accounted for using a process of assimilation where the concepts align with a preconstructed schema. Once new piece of knowledge is acquired which does not fit with the original schema accommodation is required which alters the schema to allow for this new information, this process is called equilibration. In all of this Piaget refers to a child’s stage of development which related to his 4 stages of cognitive development. The process of assiliation and accomidation fit into this by suggesting that a child’s development is not a steady process by occurs in leaps and …show more content…

This can be seen in Vanessa (Kind, 2004). The research paper looked at and the topic of my own research is looking at students misconceptions regarding particle position in physical changes. This is a key area of a student’s education with the national curriculum calling for the education of this topic in KS3 under both the Chemistry and Physics sides of the science curriculum.(The national curriculum in,

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