
ETHN 1200 Week 1 Essay

Decent Essays

Lauren Hyttenhove
ETHN 1200
Dr. Thomas Edge
Essay 1 History can be defined as the past events and happenings within the human race. Of course, as events pass, history changes. In accordance with these changes, things regarding history must change content as well. The study of the human race does not only include one group of people or race. Just like any other history course, African American Studies courses’ content has changed over the years as well. There have been various stages of African American Studies throughout the years. The platform for African American studies was essentially set by the Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History (ASALH.) According to Robert L. Harris Jr., in Section A, Chapter One of …show more content…

Big changes were occurring within the third stage of development. One of the most significant changes was that African American students were now entering into the predominantly white universities. The curriculum at these universities were mainly geared toward white studies and a Eurocentric outlook. “In large measure, Black people were seen as pawns rather than as actors, as victims more than victors,” wrote Robert L. Harris Jr. in Section A; Chapter 1 of Evolution of Consciousness, (Harris Jr., pg …show more content…

Thus Black Studies argues for a number of far-reaching reforms. There should be a greater emphasis on student participation in the teaching/learning process, rather than the banking process where the teacher deposits knowledge into students’ heads and periodically (at exam time) makes withdrawals. ….. Finally, freedom, like effective education, is achieved most often when groups of human beings cooperate with each other, not when lone individuals compete against all others” (Cole, pg

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