
Diversion Programs Essay

Decent Essays

Since the declaration of “the war on drugs”, society’s perspective relating to punishment of drug-involved offenders has been much too vindictive. Now, an offender is not allowed to be sent to treatment by a judge, he must go to jail. This is due to mandatory sentencing. Upcoming diversion programs are an excellent alternative to “hard time” for qualifying drug offenders. These programs are becoming very popular and evidence shows that they are greatly beneficial, not only to the accused, but to society as a whole. Diversion programs benefit many regarding the increase in community involvement and safer city streets, rehabilitation of offenders, and financial means. The criminal justice system is currently at a stand still in regards to convicted …show more content…

These programs hold the said offenders liable for their actions in a way hold them responsible for their actions and prevents future participation in criminal activities. Diversion treatment plans offer a variety of services, including methodological services to mentally unstable drug abusers and offenders. This is essential to society to prevent the appearance of drugs on public streets when these mentally unstable offenders are released. Diversion programs can greatly help those with a dual-diagnosis rehabilitate, not just spend time in jail. Diversion programs are aslo time and cost effective. They take less time and money to process a case than a regular court case does. According to a website that provides information on youth and adult diversion programs (, in these programs, offenders are expected to acknowledge their responsibility for breaking the law, they must also be willing to make amends. Attendance at diversion board hearing is required to explain the violating behavior and to see if your case will be accepted by the board. If accepted, the offender will complete a contract within the specified length of time. Successful completion of a diversion program results in the dismissal of the charges against the offender. This helps participants of these programs continue working and going to school. It even helps them remain functioning members of society

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