
Differences Between The Taliban And The Taliban

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It all started in 1920 - 1924 when Al Qaeda supported the Taliban while Nazis were supported by a lot of germans.During the Third Reich, the Nazis were against a few writers, artist and so had destroyed all their work as it was degraded. Whilst the Taliban in the Middle East were focusing on destroying religious monuments. Both of them had the same perspective, To Liquidate things that did not represent or respect their faith.The one thing they had in common was ruling others through violence and intimidation.They were the best at it.

Taliban was an Islamic Fundamental Political movement in Afghanistan. While they had the power of Afghanistan they had imposed strict laws which were called the Islamic laws.Taliban mostly consisted of Afghan tribal men. Soon after that Al Qaeda set of to support them. Saudi Arabia supported them financially, but Taliban use that wealth to wipe out the afghan civilians.

The Taliban had ruled Afghanistan from between 1996 to 2001. The primary act the world didn't like about Afghanistan was their treatment to the woman and their involvement in terrorism. They are represented by a huge forces of armed men. In 1994, a group of well-trained men were chosen by Pakistan and sent to Taliban.Their role was to Protect a fleet of men who were trying to open a trade route from Pakistan to central …show more content…

As soon at Taliban came in control in Kabul woman had no right to do anything.They weren't allowed to step out of their doors, they weren't allowed to work, woman/girls weren't allowed to go to school, ban on woman laughing.Those that didn't obey the laws were whipped in public, were beaten etc.The Taliban had stated that this was being done for their protection.An example of Taliban's violent treatment against the woman is; a woman wearing nail paint had her fingertips chopped by a Taliban officer. Taliban had just the say thing to say against this, “it was being done to safeguard

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