
Developing Countries

Decent Essays

Developing nations are filled with hope and aspirations of one day becoming a wealthy, dominating, and influential country. These nations can sometimes be unsafe, difficult to live in, and hard for workers to earn good compensation for their labor. On the other hand, living in a developed nation has many upsides. Developed nations are wealthy, which in turn have good infrastructure, labor and worker laws, and have less crime.
Developed nations have the superior infrastructure. These countries have more bridges that are better maintained. They also have better highways and roads that are paved with fewer potholes. In addition, sewers, hospitals, housing systems, and police stations are modernized with sewers having large pumps pushing the water through to avoid floods. For instance, the city of Miami has initiated a project aimed towards flood prevention by “raising roads, installing pumps, and water mains and redo sewer connection” (Flechas, 2017). Hospitals, as well as, police stations have powerful generators that can power all of their electrical equipment allowing them to still be effective and serve the population. On the other hand, developing nations are very old-fashioned. They are sometimes corrupt and because they do not allow outside access from other countries they lack the knowledge and resources. These countries are not able to create advanced hospitals with modern equipment and laboratories to treat their patient's conditions. They also lack medical supplies

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