
Describe The Errors In My Writing Process

Decent Essays

As a future teacher I was aware that literacy would play an important role in my professional career; consequently, I was concerned of the assessment my writing would receive from the online tool. My concern was confirmed when I received a "needs toning" score from the Writers Diet and a "B" from Paperrater. Errors included the overuse of prepositional phrases and the addition of an expletive. Additionally, my mother- a former English teacher- and partner found a long and complicated sentence that could be written more simply as well as some issues with active and passive voice. (could put in about limitations of online checkers)
I believe the errors within my writing can be attributed to my writing process producing sentences and ideas that make …show more content…

This may be a result of a large portion of my syntactic knowledge being unconscious. For example, my writing process is based on how sentences flow and sound according to my view rather than following a conscious grammatical system. When reading Georke and Grelliers (2014) principles on academic writing I realised that certain principles I had never consciously used in my writing but still unconsciously followed. Having syntactic and semantic knowledge in an unconscious form is mentioned by McDevitt, Ormond, Cupit, Chandler and Aloa's (2013) in their explanations of language development, they further point out that literacy instruction can help bring some syntactic knowledge to a conscious level (p.357) .
My plan to improve of academic literacy will focus mainly on improving and expanding my syntactic

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