
Demographic Paper

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Demographic Paper Preshious Dunham HCS/490 March 5, 2012 Jeinnie Avera Demographic Paper The age of population is one of the challenges the United States faces. The shift of demographics may have an effect on the needs and services of this particular population. In this paper it will be discussed how the demographics may have an impact on the health care market, how changes will affect health care such as increase in health care cost and increase in prescription drug cost. General Impact on Health Care Market Between 2000 and 2050, the number of ageing population will increase by 135% During this time period, the proportion of the population that is over the age of 65 will increase from 12.7% in …show more content…

In addition, during 2000--2020, public financing of long-term care is projected to increase 20%--21% in the United States ( para 10). How Can These Challenges Be Addressed. The changing of disability rates, the size of the economy and efforts at privatization may affect how much of an economic burden these programs will impose in the future. As a result, household financial wealth in the world's major economies will be roughly $31 trillion lower in 20 years than it would have been if historical demographic trends had persisted. Raising the retirement age, easing restrictions on immigration, encouraging families to have more children, and achieving faster economic growth will have little impact on this shortfall. To fill it, households and governments will have to increase their savings rates and national economies will have to allocate capital more efficiently, thereby boosting returns (Farrell, 2005). In Conclusion, the age of population is one of the challenges the United States faces. In this paper it was discussed how the demographics may have an impact on the health care market, how changes will affect health care such as increase in health care cost and increase in prescription drug cost. The ageing process will not stop therefore the population will continue to increase in the next

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