
Definition Of Professionalism, Within And Early Childhood Educator ( Ece ) Setting

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The articles I chose are ones that speak to what the definition of professionalism is, within and early childhood educator (ECE) setting. This is critical because if there is a broad spectrum of definitions it may work against being accepted as a profession. All the articles speak to how they believe professionalism should look as an ECE and how the workers themselves feel about it. The articles address how can we make the profession concrete and admissible and each have their own takes on what a profession is and what that means.
Article 1
The first article I read spoke to what is expected from ECE’s and how they view themselves as professionals. It also addresses the difficulty in defining what an ECE needs to be because of the children involved. Wisdom is needed and is key to working with children for the long term and the article address, how do you convey this? There needs to be a presence when working with children, that you are there to care for them, but you also know what you are doing. How do you define that in terms of a profession? Most of the ECE’s who reported what they believed made them professional, reported aspects that reflected themselves as a person. The article highlights the difference in responses from the participants, and also how each response is valid. The article moves towards the fat that professionalism within the workplace is a balance of experience and schooling spread between the workers.
Article 2 The author states that to be a

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