
Darwin's Theory Of Capitalism And Social Darwinism During The Gilded Age

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We are all human, you watching this video, are a human being. The concept of inequality is that one person is better or superior than another. This can be caused by economic, civil, or social differences.

During the Gilded Age, there was a large movement of immigrants entering the United States. Many immigrants moved to large cities during this time. In the 60 years from 1840 to 1900, the population of America grew by 36 million, and one third of this was accounted for by immigration. One out of three workers during the Gilded age was an immigrant.

Social Darwinism is an idea popularized during the Gilded Age which was based on Darwinism, and to understand Social Darwinism, we must first understand Darwinism. In short, Darwinism is …show more content…

The rich would have clean water and lived in wonderful homes. The poor would live in slums and unlivable conditions with feces littered everywhere and the rent was too high and the pay was too low. The rich who owned big businesses would create monopolies and became very crooked which gave no equality to the workers. This would cause the poor to try and work as hard as they can because the business owners were able to band together through monopolies. These monopolies were to keep lower wages AND longer, unreasonable hours. Work related accidents were common and would either lead to mutilation or being fired on the spot with no more pay if you were severely injured. These conditions would lead to the creation of the Unions.

As we see in present day we have changed drastically. The horrors that plagued a lot of the lower class are no longer a problem. This is due to a shift in labor support from the gilded age to now. Workers began creating unions to help secure their job and fight for change in the workplace. Through this the government started from laws around how long workers can work for how much and the conditions in which they were allowed to work. Gradually, the condition in workplaces have improved. This all lead to a new way for social mobility or being able to transfer from one social class to another. This was

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