
Daodejing Essay

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Complied during the Warring States Period, the Daodejing is widely known as one of China’s famous philosophy literature. This text reflects the general lament of a civilization that has been worn down from war and seeks to find peace by teaching people how to live by “the Way”. From a war-torn perspective, the Daodejing deems war and government corruption as evil and traces them back to greedy and power-hungry motives. As a successor to Confucius, it still carries some of his ethics. Because of its mystical overtones, it has acquired a large variety of interpretations. Its main teaching is if a person does nothing, then peace will be restored; it is the concept of non-action or 无为。When a person does not try to interfere and allows things to …show more content…

This text often emphasizes the Heaven as the supreme power over everything below it. In contrast to Heaven, which represents purity, power, and righteousness, Zhuangzi depicts humanity as people that interfere with the natural way, like their punishment for criminals, as well as creative beings that can come up with ideas about the world and themselves, like knowing what is right and what is wrong. Although he accepts the Dao, he does not believe that people can truly learn the Dao by thought or books. Instead, using one’s intuition and prior experience is a greater teaching tool than studying about the Way. Zhuangzi’s text is intended to make the people aware that trying to learn the purpose of life is a fruitless task. He teaches that there is a time to talk and a time to think, and he even encourages to do both. His idea of the ideal man is a someone whose actions make him a perfect example for human morality. In Daoism according to Zhuangzi, the ideal man, also known as Zhenren 真人, was associated with perfect or wise person. Because of his perfection, the ideal man accomplished endless life and enduring fame. He was not subject to the lowly desires and dangers of the earth. In some cases, the ideal man is used to define a Chinese philosopher because of their wisdom and heightened spirituality. Other translations for the Zhenren were the “enlightened one” or the “Spiritual

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