
Dangers Of Identity Theft

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Identity theft is rarely talked about, but it is one of the easiest crimes to be a victim too.

Thieves can easily get their hands on the information they need through pick pocketing. (“Identity Theft”). While you can insist they're safe because they will never have their wallet, or purse stolen, pickpocketing thieves are the least of your concerns. One of the most common ways that identities are stolen is dumpster diving (“Identity Theft”). This means anything you have thrown away could make you the next victim of identity theft, rather it be a old bank statement, paper receipts from a store, or even an old check thieves could use the information to steal your identity.

While we modernize away from paper records, criminals update their …show more content…

For starters it is one of information on identities is plentiful. Due to the extent of online use and social media, information is readily available, and unlimited. (“Working Together Against Identity Theft”). Furthermore the crime is easy to get away with. All purchases and crimes committed under identity theft are in the victim's name making it easy to avoid apprehension (Kirchheimer). In short, Identity Theft is of the simplest crimes to commit and get away with.

Additionally, identity theft is never predictable. Companies fail to have the software to prevent, or predict identity theft (Dutta). This being said, criminals have more ambition to steal an identity through a corporate or business because they are rarely tracked or seized. Although a lack of protection while shopping with a credit card or debit card is an issue, identity theft can happen on a microscopic level as well. 10% of identity thieves victimize their family or friends (Kirchheimer). In conclusion, identity theft occurs on both macroscopic and microscopic levels throughout the …show more content…

For instance, few of the things the criminals do include: making credit accounts, filing mortgages, buying guns, filing bankruptcy, and committing numerous crimes all under the victim's name (Evans). While the victim of identity theft is innocent, they are responsible and held fully accountable of the actions acted upon by their identity thief. Furthermore, the victims employers are often forced to fire them due to the problems created under their name, and with the dilemma occurring the victim rarely is able to find another employer to hire them (Introduction to Identity Theft).

On top of the physical problems created, having an identity stolen will cause extreme amounts of emotional imbalance. Victims of identity theft spend thousands of dollars to fix the destruction the identity thief created for them (Identity Theft). Besides being expensive to overcome, trying to clear your name is requires an enormous time investment. In addition to spending thousands dollars, victims spend over a thousand hours trying to recover their diluted identity (Identity Theft). In conclusion, having your identity stolen is a matter of a tremendous sacrifice of your time, money, and mental

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