
Cuckoo's Nest Figurative Language Essay

Decent Essays

1. CHARACTER DESCRIPTION & GROWTH: Describe the main character. How does he/ she change or develop internally (on the inside) through the story? Explain what he/ she is like at the beginning of the novel, the middle, and then how he/she finally changed by the end. Give specific text evidence from the story to support your ideas. The main character, Moose Flannigan is a 12-year-old boy who enjoys playing baseball. He develops internally a lot through out the novel. In the beginning of the novel Moose is not very happy about moving to Alcatraz. For example moose says, “I want to be here like I want poison oak on my private parts.” In the middle of the novel Moose has met some friends and is feeling better about living on Alcatraz. Moose shows this by asking his new friend scout to move the baseball game to Tuesday instead of Monday cause his mom needs him to watch Natalie. That signifies that there good friends. By the end of …show more content…

FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE: Give an example of figurative language used in the novel (simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia). You could also give an example of imagery. Explain why the author uses this figurative language or imagery. How does it enhance your understanding of the novel? An example of figurative language from the novel is, ”My Father told me having Natalie as a sister is like playing ball when you 100 times better then your opponent.” This is an example of a hyperbole. The author uses this figurative language to explain how Moose couldn’t get mad because everything she does will be less then par. This helped my understanding of the novel by explaining the difference between Natalie and other girls her age.

My Reaction: How was the author able to connect to me as a reader?

5. RATING: Rate this book on a scale of 1 to 10. What qualities of a good book does this novel demonstrate or not demonstrate? Why did you give this rating? What was your favorite part and why? Who would enjoy this

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