
Compulsive Disorder Case Study

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In Tina behaviors, it indicated that she has anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD). OCD has 2 parts, obsession and compulsions. Obsessions are thoughts, impulses, or images that persist and recur, so that they cannot be dismissed from the mind even though the individual attempts to do so (Halter & Vacarolis, 2014). With Tina, she has an obsession of negative and harmful thoughts would come to her daughter even thought she knows it is irrational but she cannot get those thoughts out of her head. Compulsions are ritualistic behaviors an individual feels driven to perform in an attempt to reduce anxiety or prevent an imagined calamity. Performing the compulsive can only reduce the anxiety only temporarlity, which makes patient with …show more content…

Tina can join a community support groups for people that has the same mental problem as Tina. With the support group, the patients can offers different tips and ideas on how to reduce the obsession and compulsive disorder (Halter & Vacarolis, 2014).
- Tina has difficulty sleeping due to her anxiety and her compulsive of checking on her daughter constantly at night. One thing that may help her is educate her on ways to promote sleep such as warm baths, warm milk, and relaxing music, and monitor her sleep thought a sleep record (Halter & Vacarolis, 2014).
- Thought stopping technique; Tina can shout out the word “Stop” out loud or snap a rubber band on her wrist when she starts having negative thoughts of something harmful coming to her daughter. This technique can briefly blocks the automatic undesirable thought and help her to select an alternative and positive thoughts that her daughter is safe (Halter & Vacarolis, 2014).
- The uses of medication can help Tina with her anxiety and OCD symotoms. There are medications that help treatment both disorders such as Citalopram (Celexa) and Paroxetina (Paxil). (Halter & Vacarolis,

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