
Compare And Contrast Three Republican Presidents In The 1920s

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Throughout the 1920's and after World War II., America faced many problems economically and socially. The Republican Party had been always one of the largest parties in United States; therefore, Republican presidents have maintained a big role in the administration of United States either before and World War I or after World War II. The Republican presidents in the 1920's were Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover. Whereas the 3 Republican presidents elected after World War 2 were Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan. In both periods, these Republican presidents have similarities and differences in domestic and foreign policies. In addition, during and between these periods some events such as Great Depression, …show more content…

During Harding's term, a couple of people on his administration were accused and arrested for bribery and corruption. The most well-known scandal was the Teapot Dome scandal were the Secretary of the Interior was arrested for accepting bribes to release government land to oil companies for their own personal reasons. Harding did good for America and its people, but because of the scandals he was not directly involved in, his good was no longer noticed. Harding did not last for long in his terms because he died due to illness, but there were speculations that he was murdered by his wife or that he killed himself. The next Republican president that caught the nation's eye was Calvin Coolidge. Calvin really got noticed when he used the National Guard to break up a strike in Boston. Coolidge reduced the federal debt, lowered income tax rates (mostly for the wealthy) with 3 Revenue Acts and began construction of a national highway system that was very useful for trading and such. The last Republican president of the 1920s was Herbert Hoover. Herbert Hoover was with what he liked to call “associationalism.” This meant seeing which association nationwide was first in commerce and industry. He enjoyed the association of business and government together. Hoover was president at the time of the Stock Market Crash in 1929. Hoover continued to say that the worst was over and that the economy was strong enough to hop up until the market was back on track, but he was completely wrong about this because a worldwide depression took place. The depression caused a huge impact on the American people. Families were unable to pay rent, lived off of potatoes, crackers, some even searched through garbage cans. Marriage was delayed, reproduction rate also decreased. The most impacted class was the farmers and the agricultural sector. Crop prices hit rock bottom and due to farmers trying to compensate for

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