
Compare And Contrast A Rose For Emily And The Open Boat

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Compare and Contrast In this paper, I will be comparing and contrasting three works that we have studied this semester. I will be writing about A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner, The Hairy Ape by Eugene O’Neill, and The Open Boat by Stephen Crane. All of these authors’ stories use setting to encompass the idea of freedom. Each author has a different perspective on liberty and they all express it differently through their writing. In each story the main character is trapped, either literally or metaphorically. They can all achieve freedom from their situations, but there are obstacles that stop them from reaching their goal. In A Rose for Emily, the main character is trapped in her house. In The Hairy Ape, the main character is stuck in …show more content…

Miss Emily can leave the house anytime and achieve freedom, but she knows that it would be far too hard to leave the place she grew up. The men in the lifeboat can try to head for shore at any time but there are many obstacles that stand in their way. Miss Emily is not in a life or death situation like these men, but she does have to deal with obstacles in the way of her freedom as well. If she leaves the house she would have nowhere to go; all of the people in the town would look down on her and shun her because she is not wealthy anymore. She could move away, but she would not be able to survive own her own; she has always had her dad and the servant to do everything for her. In The Open Boat, the men are phased with a lose-lose situation, unlike Miss Emily. She could either stay in the house until she dies, which she did, or take a chance and achieve freedom. The men, on the other hand, are in a tight spot, because either way they could die. They could wait on the lifeboat and die a slow painful death or they could try to gain their freedom and die in the process. They decide to risk their lives for a possibility of surviving and achieving their

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