
Common Core Standards Are Necessary Today 's Educational System

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Section 1. Introduction
The idea behind Common Core is simple: uphold clear parameters as to what concepts students need to understand for their grade-level nationally. It seems like a no-brainer. Every student, no matter his or her background or geographic location, is entitled to the same education, and expected to know the same things by the time they graduate. In this paper I will argue that Common Core standards are necessary in today’s educational system. Section 2. An Argument in Support of Common Core Standards
Part A. Reasons to Accept Common Core Standards
First of all, what is Common Core? Basically, it is “…a set of common guidelines promoted by the National Governors Association and the Obama administration, among others” …show more content…

This idea applies to colleges, other training programs, and employers as well. Since transferring to another state for college is quite typical, Common Core ensures that new students from every state have been taught the same concepts by the time they graduate high school. This levels the playing field for students pursuing their careers, and employers and educators have an idea of what knowledge high school graduates are equipped with.
Personally, my education differed from my peers when I came to the University of Iowa. We covered topics at my school that my new classmates from other parts of the state or country never studied, and vice versa. This made some of my classes difficult, as we were expected to already know things that we never learned at my high school. Some might chalk it up to the fact that I graduated from a smaller high school in central Iowa, and that our standards were lower. While that might be the case, Common Core now prevents that from happening. Every student entering college learns the skills that they needed to in order to succeed.
The Huffington post lists some solid reasons that Common Core is beneficial. In summary of the article, the standards aid teachers in concentrating on what topics are the most important for students to grasp, instead of getting thrown off by irrelevant concepts; publishing companies develop software and text that follows Common Core standards, and explores those

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