
Co2 Research Paper

Decent Essays

Carbon dioxide(Co2)

Carbon dioxide, I'm sure you've heard of it, we in fact have learned early on why it takes a very important role in our lives. What we exhale is Co2(Carbon Dioxide). The plant life takes in this Co2 and they release O2(Oxygen) in which we inhale in order to live. Co2 is a colorless and odorless gas that is vital to life on Earth, this element can be both harmful but useful to the human race or the things around us. The compound is made up of a carbon atom that is double bonded into two oxygen atoms. This element on the periodic table is what I chose to talk about for my presentation.

Co2 can be formed by natural sources. Examples of Co2 formed naturally includes volcanoes, hot springs and geysers. This frees it from carbonated rocks by dissolution in water and acids. Co2 is soluble in water and because of this, it occurs naturally in groundwater, rivers, lakes and seawater. It even occurs in ice caps and glaciers. It is present in deposits of petroleum and natural gas. …show more content…

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide is one of the primary sources used of carbon in life on Earth and its concentration in Earth's pre-industrial atmosphere. Plants, algae and Cyanobacteria are part of the carbon cycle that uses light energy. Co2 is produced by all aerobic organisms when they metabolize carbohydrates and lipids to produce energy by respiration. It is returned to water by the gills of fish and to the air by the lungs of land animals, including humans. Co2 is produced during the processes of decay of organic materials and the fermentation of the sugar in bread, beer and the making of wine. It is produced by combustion of wood, other organic materials and fossil fuels such as coal, peat, petroleum and natural

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