
Christopher Booker Plot Types

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Most books you read fall into the list of plot types that Christopher Booker created. Each plot type is a representation of different books that fall under that category that essentially tell of the same story. The author of the book, Dennis Dutton, described how the idea of plot came about, how Aristotle and other writers believed there were a finite number of plots for fictions. The dictionary definition of plot reads a plan or main story. Booker's plot types include Overcoming the Monster, Rags to Riches, Quest, Voyage and Return, Comedy, Tragedy, Rebirth, Rebellion, and Mystery. These plot types are the basis of all good stories, the ones that have motivation embedded in the story.
Motivations are what create and drive the plot. In each plot type, certain motivations cause characters to act and this motivation is the basis of a story. Booker uses Carl Jung's theory of archetypes and symbols to support his project. Christopher Booker …show more content…

Collins has said that the inspiration of this novel came from the Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, a story she read when she was young. In the Greek myth, Queen Pasiphae gave birth to the Minotaur, a creature, half man, and half bull. King Minos was embarrassed, but did not want to kill the monster, so he hid the Minotaur in the Labyrinth at his palace. When his son participated in the Panathenaic Games in Athens and was killed by the bull, Minos was infuriated and demanded the king of Athens to send seven men and seven women each year to the Minotaur. This reflects the storyline of The Hunger Games where children were sent off to be killed and the parents were helpless to do anything about it. In the myth, there comes one character, Theseus, who fights the odds stacked up against him and defeats the oppressor, the Minotaur. Collins describes Katniss as the futuristic Theseus. Through this motivation, this novel was then created to describe human nature when it is

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