
Character Analysis Of Characters In 'Code Talker'

Decent Essays

Trying to learn English is hard enough but getting into the marines at the same time is a challenge. Yet, somehow, Ned manages to make it all the way to boarding school and still not want to go home and disappoint his parents. Ned continues to progress making tons of friends along the way. See, when Ned wanted to go into the Army they told him he had to know fluid English. He then begged his parents to let him go to school and that carried him all the way to high school. Where he then entered code school so now he had to learn English, then he had to learn a brand new code for war. After that he went to boot camp to try and become a marine. Ned makes so many friends like Georgia Boy, Smitty, Wilsie, and Ira. They would sacrifice themselves for each other. That's real friendship. Joseph Bruchac is a writer. He has written over 100 books for children and adults. Joseph writes mostly about Indians. The books are mostly Indian because he is Indian and especially in ‘Code Talker’ the main character Ned is faced with tons of challenges, and he overcomes them. I believe that Joseph Bruchac faced these struggles growing up or as an adult. He is a very strong writer and lets you feel what the character is feeling. I believe that when Joseph Bruchac was a younger he went through some of the same struggles that the characters in his books face. I think this because he is Indian and his writing sounds so true. I think he is influenced by this because anyone who has gone through

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