
Character Analysis Of Abigail In The Crucible

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Abigail is one of the main characters in the book, The Crucible. She is an evil character who is rather selfish and is inconsiderate of other people. And because of her personality, she has conflicts with many characters in the book. Best example, she has conflicts with John and Elizabeth Proctor. She is a wicked child who would do anything to get what she wants and knows how to manipulate people and the situation to get to where she wants to be. Her conflicts began with a little desire to take John Proctor away from his wife, Elizabeth Proctor, and own him to herself and only herself.
Abigail had an external conflict with Goody Proctor because of her desire to be with a man who was already married and had a family. Her first conflict with …show more content…

Abigail was not happy that she was no longer working for the Proctors, so she went into the woods and did what seemed like some sort of a ritual and wished she could own John Proctor.
One of the significant actions that Abigail took was when she stabbed herself (“The girl, the Williams girl, Abigail Williams, sir. She sat to dinner in Reverend Parris’s house tonight, and without word nor warnin’ she falls to the floor. Like a struck beast, he says and screamed a scream that a bull would weep to hear. And he goes to save her, and, stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly, he drew a needle out…” - Cheever. (Miller 70-71.)) just to accuse Elizabeth proctor of witchcraft. Earlier in the story, Mary Warren handed Elizabeth a poppet (a voodoo doll) as a small gift; not knowing that this will soon put Goody Proctor in a disastrous situation. Abigail saw Mary making the doll and realized if she uses this opportunity well, that she can get Elizabeth accused as a witch. That night she suddenly falls at the dinner table and when Reverend Parris went to save her, she successfully accuses Elizabeth for damaging her. Abigails cunning yet brilliant plan worked and resulted Elizabeth being arrested just as she wished.
Abigail, indeed, is a devilish character and should be kept away from people. On the other hand, she is an admirable person. The fact that she knew right then

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