
Chapter Five Stages Of Sleep Is Necessary For College Students

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Sleep is a basic human need, it affects how we function on a daily basis and is essential for a person’s health and well being. Sleeping allows the body to recharge and affords the brain the opportunity to integrate important facts, memories and emotional impressions recorded from the previous day. There are five stages of sleep that people go through: Stages one, two, three, four, and Rapid Eye Movement (REM). Sleep is important for all human beings but the amount of sleep each person needs is dependent on many different factors, for example age. Infants generally need sixteen hours of sleep a day, teenagers need about nine hours, and for most adults, seven to eight hours a night is ideal. If people do not sleep enough for several nights they …show more content…

She mentions sleep being vital for the consolidation of information, skills, and emotional experiences. During sleep, the cerebral cortex conducts activities that strengthen memory associations, so that recent memories can be stored in the long-term memory storage. However, with the loss of sleep comes the loss of memories. Spending all night studying like an average college student does not help retain any learned information and it affects the student's academic performance. Sleeping enhances memory, so students who sacrifice their sleep in order to study more have more difficulty learning new material compared to those who get an adequate amount of …show more content…

Sleep is necessary for our nervous system to work properly. Not enough sleep leads to impaired memory and physical performance. To make matters worse, if bad sleeping habits continue the end result becomes sleep deprivation which in turn causes hallucinations. If college students want to perform at their maximum level they would require 8 hours of sleep per night which will help restore, replenish, and rebuild the brain and the body (King, 2014). References King, L.A. (2015). The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. Carey, Benedict. "The Necessity, and Elusiveness, of Sleep." N.p., 30 Aug. 2007. Web. 15 Nov. 2016. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. "Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep." U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 25 Aug. 2014. Web. 15 Nov. 2016. "Why Sleep Is Important." American Psychological Association, n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2016. "UC HealthNews : HEALTH LINE: Getting Enough Sleep Really Isn." UC HealthNews. University of Cincinnati, n.d. Web. 15 Nov.

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