
Catch The Z Research Paper

Good Essays

Catching the Z's

People all over the world have their own sleeping schedule that they have developed over time. Some go to sleep super early, others stay up late to party all night long. There are even those who don’t have a routine and go to sleep when they feel like it. I personally fall under the last group, sometimes going to bed at 9 p.m. only to fall asleep at 2 a.m. the next time.

But have you ever wondered how your sleeping schedule can affect how well you do on a test? I sure have. I don't want to be up all night doing work if the next day I'm going to get an F on the test since I didn't get enough sleep. Few people tend to see how delicate sleep is to the human body. Depending on how much or how little sleep you get, your performance can fluctuate.

So the question is, how many hours of sleep do you need in order to be able to perform at your best?

Wake Up It's Time To Test

Before jumping right into the experiment, there are important steps that must be meet before hand. All of it is part of a thing called the Scientific Method. I’m sure that you’ve heard of it by now. But if by the off-chance that you haven’t, it’s basically a list of procedures that help …show more content…

In order to do this, I first need to analyze my question (how many hours of sleep do you need in order to be able to perform at your best?) and based on my body of knowledge I will be able to write my hypothesis. I already knew that depending on how much you sleep you got, your mind will process at a different rate and that the average sleeping hours are between 7-9. However, I don’t know what the right amount of sleep is to meet your minds full potential. Using my personal experience that I always feel better after sleeping in, my hypothesis will be if a teenager gets more than the average amount of sleep, then their academic performance will

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