
Capital Budgeting Techniques

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This report describes capital budgeting techniques such as NPV (The NPV of an investment is the difference between its market value and its cost, IRR (The IRR is the discount rate that makes the estimated NPV of an investment equal to zero. PAYBACK (The payback period is the length of time until the sum of an investment’s cash flows equals its cost), discounted payback period (The discounted payback period is the length of time until the sum of an investment’s discounted cash flows equals its cost).

There are some notable differences between capital budgeting processes in developing and developed countries. Canadian firms tend to formally evaluate all investment opportunities, while US managers do a thorough analysis of …show more content…

An organization's planning division, using input from the entity's other sectors, can identify capital budget needs in physical terms, as in the case of acquiring and converting an existing building into business incubator space. From these descriptions, preliminary costs can be gathered and an appropriateness of need can be made to determine which projects should be contained in a "capital improvement plan." The capital improvement plan lists the projects to be undertaken over a multi-year period, such as five to ten years. Not a legal document, but a planning instrument, the capital improvement plan contains more than just numbers; it also contains narratives justifying each item in the plan, along with the alternatives considered [ Post, Troy’s study(As cited in the Mikesell 1995, 224-225).]
Items in the plan also are given priority rankings, following input from the organization's divisions. The result is a plan that guides an

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