
Bus/475 Week5 Business Model and Strategic Plan

Best Essays

Business Model and Strategic Plan
Jeff Schell
Maria Rutledge

Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary………………………………………………………………3
II. Business Model and Strategic Plan Part I: Existing Business or New Business Division; Vision, Mission, and Value Proposition ………………………………6
III. Business Model and Strategic Plan Part II: SWOTT Analysis – Internal and External Environmental Analysis; Supply and Value Chain Analysis……………9
IV. Business Model and Strategic Plan Part III: Assumptions, Risk and Change Management Plan; Summary of Strategic Objectives; Balanced Score Card and its impact on stakeholders; the Communication Plan…………………..…………..15
V. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………….18
VI. Reference …show more content…

We would like to take that a step further and offer a Wi-Fi hot spot as well as charging stations for most devices, we would like to power these items using mainly solar energy to add to the concept of a sustainable culture we are trying to maintain with the business.
We understand the importance of technology and social media in the operations of business and how technology can be an aid in our business operations. We plan on focusing our attention on sites like Facebook, Instagram, and other social media outlets to advertise our business which will provide the customer with daily information on specials as well as access to coupon programs we provide. Using social media will provide an outlet for our customers to provide reviews and feedback on our business. Many people feel that bad reviews can hurt a business; we feel that bad reviews provide an opportunity for us to make a new friend and change a process which may harm our business with future guests. Two brothers would also like to develop a smartphone application for iOS and Android which we find is also lacking with many businesses in the Wenatchee valley. This application will also provide instant access to our business as well as letting us track our market. As far as marketing outside of social media we plan to brand our image using items like car clings, bumper stickers, clothing, and sponsorship of local

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