
Burmese Pythons Overpopulating The Everglades

Decent Essays

Burmese Python Burmese pythons are overpopulating the Everglades. People buy them when they are babies, so they are small, but when they keep growing they get too big. Eventually the people that bought them just let them go, into the wild, so now they are out in the open ruining everything.The local animals population is decreasing because the Python snakes are eating them.The python snakes could change the people because it could eat their pets whole, so then they would want to move away from the Everglades. Or more people might join the challenge.The python snakes are changing the ecosystem because the python snakes are eating all of the other animals, so that is making the ecosystem breakdown; so they are taking over the other animals. The local animals population is decreasing because the Python snakes are eating them. According to the text, “With no natural predators, these eating machines appear to be wiping out huge numbers of opossums, raccoons, and bobcats, as well as many bird species." This supports that the local animal population is decreasing because the snakes are eating the animals since the python snake population is growing then the other animals population is decreasing. The more snakes …show more content…

Or more people might join the challenge. The text states, “"Then, the python coils its long and powerful body around the animal, squeezes until the animals die, and swallows the animal whole; the python’s unique hinged jaws allow it to swallow an object five times as wide as its own head." This proves that the python snakes could change the people because they could eat their pets whole because if they can swallow an object fives times the amount of their head, then especially they could eat your pet if it's small. You could not save your animal if it wraps its body around your pet because it is so powerful and

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