
Btk Killer Case Study Essay

Better Essays

Case Study: Dennis Rader
Neela Rafati
Dr. Hannah Scott
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Course Code: SSCI 3038U-001
March -15-16

Serial killers are a widely studied group. Similarly, this paper will study the BTK killer, who strangulated ten victims to death over his fantasy of gaining control and power over someone’s life. This paper aims to link a contemporary serial killer to empirical research on this topic, with regards to their motivations and victim selection methods. It argues that Dennis’ victim selection can be explained through routine activities theory, where he needed a suitable target to act out his fantasy, a lack of capable guardianship so he would not get caught and a motivated offender, which he was due to his fantasy. Based on his killings, he was placed under the power and control typology of serial killers, as he appears to have a special interest in bondage. Also, issues with behavioral profiling is explained such as its vague descriptions and its use of an outdated personality and trait model. Also the issue of confirmation bias and selective thinking in behavioral profiles is discussed.
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Power and control killers gain pleasure by overpowering their victim (Barrow, Rufo & Arambula, 2013, p.119). They like to gain total control over the persons as power is key to them. Oftentimes sexual activity occurs, but typically it is used to exert power in the form of sexual abuse. In Dennis’ words when he described his fantasy, he described having control as the key, which was the bonding that was most important for him to fulfill and in order to get satisfaction and complete his satisfaction, he had to go for the kill while they were bound and tied (Secret Confessions,

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