
Better System Dbq

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Which Was a Better System? Rome, or Athens? In this situation, there are two different civilizations. One is Rome, and one is Athens. We are trying to figure out which is a better system of citizenship. In my opinion, Rome is better. The two Mediterranean societies being compared are Athens and Rome, during about 509 BCE to about 1 CE.The difference in population and area between the citystate of Athens and the Roman Republic is that Athens had only 300,000 people, including slaves. The Roman Republic had 45,000,000 people. That's a 44,700,000 people difference. A logical guess would be that since Athens is so outnumbered by Rome, Rome can easily win a battle. The Roman Republic was the Roman way of government before it became an empire in …show more content…

Now, I’m sure that they usually had good reasons, but don’t kick them out! (Document D) Evidence of this is that when Athenians ostracized a fellow citizen, that citizen would be kicked out of Athens. I think that ostracism was not a good idea at all, because you are getting kicked out. In my opinion, that just isn't right. Rome controlled the privileges and benefits of citizenship by how they were. If they were a senate, they would be able to do many things. If they were a dictator, they would be able to do anything. I think that the censors having the power to rank and re-rank the citizens into different classes is not that good of an idea. I don't think that it is that good of an idea is because they are based on wealth to become one, and that isn't really fair to the ones that are actually really good at keeping that all in balance. In my opinion, the civilization that had the better system of citizenship from Document D is Rome. They were a little bit more fair with their citizenship. They didn't just kick people out, they just put them down to a higher level. It still was a good punishment, just not as bad as Athens. This evidence helps explain why Rome had the stronger system because they had better fighting

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