
Banking Course Outline

Better Essays

Carleton University Course Outline COURSE: TERM : PREREQUISITES: CLASS: Day & Time: Room: LAWS 3206 A – Banking Law Fall 2010 Department of Law LAWS 2003 [1.0] (no longer offered) or LAWS 2202 or BUSI 2601 Fridays - 11:35 am - 2:25 pm Please check with Carleton Central for current room location Sam Schwisberg INSTRUCTOR: (CONTRACT) CONTACT: Office: Office Hrs: Telephone: Email: Loeb C476 Fridays immediately following class as needed 613-740-1965 Students with disabilities requiring academic accommodations in this course must contact a coordinator at the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities to complete the necessary Letters of Accommodation. After registering with the PMC, make an …show more content…

Students should propose their topics, and several back up topics, in advance of October 8, 2010, since an effort will be made to minimize repetition of the same topics. The Teaching Assistant for the course will meet the class on October 8 2010 to allocate an essay topic to each student, confirm those students who have decided to opt out of the Participation Mark (see preceding paragraph), and schedule interview dates for the latter students. Other students, may, at the option of the Instructor, be asked to attend an interview if the Instructor is having difficulty in determining a fair grade for the Essay. The Essay should be about 15 typed pages in length, clearly written, logically argued and properly researched, with footnotes to acknowledge sources. Outline – LAWS 3206A - Schwisberg 3 Fall 2010 SCHEDULE Lecture Sep 10 Topic and/or Reading Introduction – A substitute will take the instructor’s place this day. Readings: No assigned reading 1) Review of key business concepts relevant to banking; Sources of liability; forms of business organizations; Contract law and banking; guarantees and mortgages; floating charges, secured and unsecured creditors; the litigation process, insolvency issues. 2) The constitutional context and statutory framework Readings: Text, chapter 1 Casebook, pages 1-64 24 The Regulation of Banks and Banking in Canada Readings: Oct 1 Text, chapters 2, and 3 17 Conclusion of the Regulation of Banks and Banking in Canada; The

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