
Bacon's Rebellion: The Rise Of Slavery In America

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"Once a man has tasted freedom, he will never be content to be a slave." (Disney, 2016) Laborers were needed for the cultivation of crops in America so that the British empire could expand and remain victorious. The Bacon's Rebellion was a prominent event; Africans took the place of indentured servants and became the only laborers in America. Slavery has been in existence since the beginning of the history of humans. North American slavery was based on agricultural endeavors. This resulted in large numbers of laborers under the power of one person. "Prejudice by itself did not create American slavery" (Foner 132, 2014). Economic, social, and cultural factors played pivotal roles which created slavery in America.
The main economic factor that …show more content…

Africans were brought to America on a ship through the Atlantic trade system. During their journey to America, Slaves faced hardships and were placed in critical conditions. One predicament that the slaves encountered on their journey to America was the compact spaces. One slave stated "The height, sometimes, between decks, was only eighteen inches... the unfortunate human beings could not turn around or even on their sides... usually chained to the decks by their necks and legs." (Foner 141, 2014) Olaudah Equiano was a slave who was strongly opposed to the idea slavery. Colonist defined Africans as uncivilized people, this belief was a reason to why colonist thought Africans should be slaves. Equiano Thought otherwise by stating that everyone is capable of improving. Culturally, Africans were nonfactors in society and was only used for laboring cash crops such as tobacco, sugar, and cotton.
Economic, social, and cultural factors all played roles in the expansion of slavery in America. Economically, Africans became free laborers by substituting the position of indentured servants and Native Americans. Socially, blacks were considered outcasts and was treated as property instead of human beings. Culturally, slaves were discriminated against because of their skin and were treated dishonorably wrong. This concludes that "prejudice itself did not create American slavery." (Foner 132,

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