
Asch Conformity Study

Decent Essays

1. Identify the study (video) you selected.
The study and video I selected was the ASCH Conformity Experiments video. I was drawn to the ASCH experiment because I am interested in social behavior. The ASCH conformity experiments was simple, but there is nothing wrong with a minimalistic approach. I think it’s interesting to know that a simplistic approach to an experiment may yield astounding data.
2. Describe what this study demonstrated about human behavior and mental processes using the results of the study along with information you have learned in Units 1-3.
The ASCH experiment demonstrated that humans conform easily, and it is scary to know that. Humans do not want to feel left out or alone. In groups or large numbers of people, we …show more content…

Genes and DNA are part of the nature concept. Nurture shapes us differently than Nature because nurture deals with our environments. I believe the things we experience outside the home molds us heavily during the teen periods of devolvement. The ASCH experiment zeros in on nurture influence. The ASCH experiment subjects were all placed in a room without knowing each other. The ASCH experiment took place in the physical realm. Influence and conformity may both come from nature and nurture, but in ASCH experiment video nurture stood out to me.
4. In your own words, describe social observational learning. Is it demonstrated in the study you selected? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning using reference to the study.
Social observation learning is when a person learns by observing others. Social observation learning was demonstrated in the ASCH experiment video. Social observation plays a role in the ASCH experiment in the sense that the subjects neglected their own thought process to avoid judgment. The subjects sat next to each other, moreover, each male subject observed each other’s reactions and tension due to their togetherness.
5. Do you think this research was ethical or unethical? Explain your reasoning using APA ethical guidelines described in Chapter

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