
American Red Cross Research Paper

Decent Essays

Kathy Salazar
Mrs. Miles
English IV
20 November 2014
American Red Cross The Red Cross started in Switzerland as a small organization that helped people, it later came to the United States to become an even larger and more helpful organization. The American Red Cross is an organization that has been helping people for many many years. They take donations and put that money toward helping people in times of need. This organization provides our nation and surrounding communities with a sense of relief when it comes to hard times, making it a very valued and honorable institution throughout the world. The American Red Cross, also known as the American National Red Cross, is a humanitarian services organization. This organization provides our …show more content…

With the initiation of a national blood program, the Red Cross collected 13.3 million pints of blood that would be used by the armed forces. With all of this being said the American Red Cross had an exceptional growth with members to over 20 million adults and 11 million contributions from young adults as well (“Our”).
In the year of 1917, President Wilson, was the one who suggested that young adults form a Red Cross youth organization . The youth take a very big active part in the organization, not only by helping make things and being an active student but also by somewhat helping the instructors and assisting them. Youth members plan and organize entertainment for people of all ages in hospitals and/ or institutes, making them a very big and helpful part in the Red Cross organization …show more content…

As well as saving many peoples lives from all of the donations that are given, they also help along with many services such as CPR, First Aid, and lifeguard training. Many americans join these programs to train for first responders, educators, babysitters, and for emergency preparedness. Along with all of these great acts of kindness for providing many people with many services to learn from, the American Red Cross volunteers and does humanitarian work in over 187 countries, they respond to disasters, build safer communities and teach the rules of war (“What”). During war time, in which many refugees are in a time of need, the Red Cross comes to aid them by distributing food, clothing, and medical supplies to those in need all over the world. When the wars happening are over, the Red Cross helps with the return of prisoners to their own country, they help the victims by giving them loans and training them in many things so that they can reconstruct their communities. In order for the Red Cross to finance all of the activities and services it does, the Red Cross organizes many fundraisers in which the money donated is of course used for those in need (“American”

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