
Age Of The Earth Research Paper

Decent Essays

The debate about the age of the Earth has persisted for centuries! Some scientists try to disprove Christians and some Christians try to disprove scientific evidence. Nevertheless, there is a surprising number of Christians and scientists who have worked together to give their opinion about the age of the Earth by using both Biblical and scientific facts. The purpose of this essay is to succinctly describe both Old Earth and Young Earth viewpoints. My opinion about the matter will follow, in which I will provide Biblical evidence to support my claims. Young Earth Creationists (YEC) strongly believe that the time frame presented in the Bible is to be taken literally. Therefore, the majority of YEC believe that the Earth is 6,000 to 10,000 …show more content…

It is this speculation that drives countless YEC to believing that evolution does not exist. According to Robert J. Schneider, in VIII: YOUNG …show more content…

I support the idea that the Earth is truly 4.6 billion years old because I believe that the Bible uses the word “days” when discussing creation because we can wrap our brain around God’s time period. “A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.” Psalm 90:4 (NIV). This verse sums up exactly what I believe: that God’s time scale is different than the time scale we experience, therefore, a day to us could easily be a thousand years, or more to God. My next premise is that when God created the Garden of Eden and all of the creatures of the Earth that the Garden of Eden was a very sacred place. Therefore, I believe that very early humans, such as cavemen were created outside of the garden because God was experimenting to see which specimen would be perfect for ruling the Earth. Though this process of trial and error, God decided that he needed to create a man who possessed similar qualities as He, because He is perfect. “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…’” Genesis 1:26 (NIV). Furthermore, I propose that it was the Great Flood that caused the mass amount of dinosaurs to die. My theory is that once it began to rain, massive landslides began occurring on the Earth’s surface. It was these landslides that

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