
African Americans In The 1600's

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In the 1600's Whites bought Africans as slaves and made many Africans serve for life. When Whites were servants, they would serve for short terms such as a few years, but Blacks would have to work for a lifetime (Holt and Brown, 2000). Whites were also punished by receiving whippings, many times in front of other Africans or Blacks if they had sexual relations or committed fornication with a Black person or African(Holt and Brown, 2000). Blacks were considered more valuable, for example, Whites would pay 2000 pounds for a Negro man and pay 1300 pounds of tobacco for a White man. However, a white man would not work as long as a Negro. Whites usually also gave Blacks or Negroes a first name. If a slave were to run away, he would have to serve more time, especially if …show more content…

Africans were initially imported from Africa to work for cheap labor. Virginia, in the 1600's was overpopulated and so this was a way for citizens to grow profitable crops by using Africans as slaves to grow tobacco (Holt and Brown, 2000). Scholars baffle about whether racism caused slavery or did slavery cause racism? In my opinion, by the way Africans were treated on the voyage from the Caribbean; their treatment was a sign of prejudice from the very start. As Africans were settled in America and began to learn the language, Whites made Blacks to feel inferior. In my opinion, this was because Whites felt threatened by the literary work of Africans. If Africans were to become more educated, then they would be harder to control. Whites began to outlaw interracial marriage (Holt and Brown, 2000). Gradually as some Blacks were freed, and were given the right to sue, later their rights to vote were outlawed (Holt and Brown, 2000). Racism arose and became part of the dominant ideology of society in the context of the African slave trade of capitalism in the 1500's and 1600's (Mintz, S., 2003). This was Karl Marx’s explanation about the rise of capitalism placed the African Slave

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