
African Americans After The Civil War Of 1865

Decent Essays

The American Civil War was ending and African Americans gained freedom, freedom from slavery and to live life as common folk. However, being set ‘free’ was not enough for African Americans to really experience what freedom was really like. Respect and rights of citizenship are by themselves weak in the ability to survive without also obtaining economic power. This paper will examine the progression of African Americans after the Civil War of 1865.
The immigrant history of African –Americans is unlike the acclimation of any other migration of other ethnic groups with the ambition to live better lives. As one of the most important colonizers of the Americas, the British had the difficult task of seizing and securing land from Native Indians and creating frontier settlements. The fight to establish Caucasian presence was not absent from the blood, sweat and tears of many to survive long winters with the continuation of establishment of new colonies.
With a massive transport of millions of enslaved African Americans across the Atlantic Ocean, Caucasians and African Americans were both performing tasks such as clearing of new land and tending to new crops so that colonization could continue to spread; and that it did indeed. In fact, colonization began to spread at such a rate that landowners began to become more dependant on the labor of African-Americans because it was more economically sound. Dependant on skill sets acquired before slavery, Slaves began to have variances in

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